Kewal Krishan & Co, Chartered Accountants
Tax Planning
  • 2024-04-26
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Proactive Tax Planning: Why Start Early?

As the new financial year begins, the benefits of initiating tax strategies early are clear. This approach provides enough time to align your financial goals with various tax-saving measures, significantly reducing stress and improving decision-making. This strategic planning can lead to substantial savings, which can then be reinvested to further your financial objectives. This comprehensive guide will explore effective steps you can take right from the start of the financial year, ensuring you capitalize on every opportunity to maximize returns and minimize liabilities.

The Tax Calendar

Key Dates and Deadlines

The financial year in India spans from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Familiarity with important tax filing dates and deadlines within this period is crucial for effective tax planning. Typically, July 31 is the deadline for filing individual income tax returns, although extensions may occasionally be granted. Awareness of these critical dates helps avoid penalties associated with late submissions and allows you to make informed decisions about investments and other significant financial activities throughout the year. This section serves as your essential guide to preparing and planning throughout your tax planning journey.

Assess Your Tax Liability Early

Estimate Your Financial Obligations

The first step in proactive tax planning involves a careful estimation of your expected tax liability. This requires calculating your total annual income from various sources, including salaries, interest, dividends, and other forms of earnings. Once your gross income is determined, you should look up the current tax slabs and rates applicable to your income bracket. For the financial year 2023-2024, the tax rates may differ depending on whether you choose the old or new regime. By getting a handle on these details early in the financial year, you can accurately forecast your tax obligations and plan your finances to potentially reduce those liabilities through various tax deductions and exemptions.

Tax-Saving Investments

Strategies to Reduce Taxable Income

Investing in tax-saving instruments is a key component of effective tax planning. Consider these popular options:

– Public Provident Fund (PPF): Known for its attractive interest rate and tax-free returns, PPF is a secure investment option with a 15-year lock-in period.

– Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS): Offering potential for high returns along with a relatively short lock-in period of three years, ELSS funds are excellent for tax-saving under Section 80C.

– National Pension System (NPS): This option not only assists in saving tax but also aids in retirement planning with deductions available under Section 80CCD(1), 80CCD(1B), and 80CCD(2).

– Life Insurance Products: Premiums paid on life insurance policies qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C, providing both financial security and tax planning benefits.

Investing early in these vehicles can substantially reduce your taxable income while ensuring your investments align with your long-term financial goals.

Utilizing Deductions and Exemptions

Leveraging Benefits to Lower Taxes

Taking full advantage of available deductions and exemptions can significantly decrease your tax burden. Key deductions include:

– Section 80C Deductions: Up to INR 1.5 lakh can be claimed through investments in PPF, ELSS, NPS, life insurance premiums, and tuition fees, among others.
– Section 80D: Provides deductions on health insurance premiums, promoting health security alongside tax savings.
– Standard Deduction: Salaries and pensions benefit from a standard deduction that reduces taxable income.

Actively leveraging these deductions and exemptions from the start of the financial year can greatly enhance your tax savings.


Early tax planning ensures you’re maximizing your potential savings and keeping your financial goals on track. Don’t wait until the last minute. By acting now, you can simplify your tax obligations and reduce stress, all while ensuring that you’re making the most of every tax advantage available. For personalized guidance and strategic advice tailored to your specific needs, reach out today.

Need Assistance?

Proactive tax planning is not just about saving money—it’s about taking control of your financial future. Whether you’re aiming to optimize your investments, understand complex tax laws, or simply ensure you’re not paying more than necessary, our team is here to help. Contact Anshul Goyal, our Chief Operating Officer, directly at for personalized assistance. Start today to make the most of your financial year with strategic planning tailored to your unique situation. Let us help you turn your financial goals into reality.


This blog is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial, legal, or tax advice. The contents of this blog are based on the interpretation of existing legislation which is subject to change. Every individual’s financial situation is unique, and tax laws are frequently updated, so we recommend consulting with a qualified tax professional or chartered accountant who can provide advice specifically tailored to your circumstances. KKCA does not accept liability for any errors or omissions or for any action taken or refrained from reliance on information contained in this blog. Always seek independent advice from a professional to ensure compliance and accuracy under the current law.

FAQ Section

1. When should I start planning my taxes for the next financial year?
Ideally, tax planning should begin at the start of the financial year to maximize your savings and manage your tax liabilities efficiently.

2. What are the benefits of early tax planning?
Early planning can help reduce last-minute stress, allow more time for strategic investments, and potentially increase your tax refunds.

3. What is the difference between the old and new tax regimes?
The old tax regime allows for various deductions and exemptions, while the new regime offers lower tax rates but fewer deductions.

4. How can I estimate my tax liability?
Estimate your annual income from all sources, then apply the relevant tax slabs and rates to calculate your estimated tax liability.

5. What are some popular tax-saving investments?
Popular options include PPF, ELSS, NPS, and life insurance, all of which offer benefits under various sections of the Income Tax Act.

6. Can I change my investment plan mid-year?
Yes, you can adjust your investments anytime, but some options like PPF and ELSS have lock-in periods that must be considered.

7. What are advance tax payments?
Advance tax is the income tax payable if your tax liability exceeds ₹10,000 in a financial year and should be paid in installments.

8. How can I keep track of my tax records efficiently?
Maintain organized records of all taxable income, deductions, and investments, and store all relevant financial documents safely.

9. What should I do if I miss a tax deadline?
Contact a tax professional immediately to discuss possible penalties and the steps to take to rectify the situation.

10. Why should I consult a tax professional?
A tax professional can provide personalized advice, help you optimize your tax strategy, and ensure compliance with the latest tax laws.



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