Kewal Krishan & Co, Chartered Accountants
Delaware LLC

Ever wondered how to keep your Delaware LLC in good standing while living abroad? It’s simpler than you might think! With the right strategies and professional help, you can maintain compliance and ensure your business thrives wherever you are. Discover the secrets to success below!

The Importance of Good Standing for Your Delaware LLC

Maintaining your Delaware LLC in good standing is essential for smooth business operations. Being in good standing means your LLC meets all state requirements, such as filing annual reports and paying necessary taxes. This status is crucial for:

– Legal Protection: Ensuring limited liability protections remain intact.

– Business Reputation: Upholding credibility with clients, partners, and investors.

– Operational Efficiency: Avoiding penalties, fines, and potential business disruptions.

Key Requirements to Keep Your Delaware LLC in Good Standing

Annual Franchise Tax Report

Each Delaware LLC must file an Annual Franchise Tax Report by June 1 each year, with a flat fee of $300. Missing this deadline incurs a $200 penalty plus interest, which can quickly add financial strain. To stay on top of this requirement:

– Set Reminders: Mark your calendar with the due date and set multiple reminders leading up to it.

– Use Professional Services: Engage a registered agent or a CPA to manage filings on your behalf.

– Automate Payments: If possible, set up automatic payments to avoid late fees and penalties.

Registered Agent

It’s mandatory to have a registered agent with a physical address in Delaware to receive legal documents and government notices on behalf of your LLC. If you live abroad, using a professional registered agent service ensures important documents are handled properly. A registered agent:

– Receives Legal Notices: Ensures you do not miss critical legal or government notices.

– Provides a Physical Address: Maintains a consistent point of contact in Delaware.

– Manages Compliance: Helps keep you compliant with state requirements.

Operating Agreement

An operating agreement outlines the structure and procedures of your LLC. While not required to be filed, it’s crucial to keep an updated operating agreement reflecting any changes in your business operations. Benefits include:

– Clarifies Roles: Defines the roles and responsibilities of members.

– Prevents Disputes: Provides a clear framework for resolving disputes.

– Flexibility: Can be customized to suit your business needs.

Federal Tax Compliance

Ensure compliance with U.S. federal tax obligations, including:

– EIN: Obtain an Employer Identification Number from the IRS.

– Tax Returns: File annual federal tax returns, even if no taxes are due.

– FBAR: Report foreign bank and financial accounts annually if their aggregate value exceeds $10,000.

For international operations, consider the following:

– Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE): Determine if you qualify to exclude a portion of your foreign earnings from U.S. taxes.

– Foreign Tax Credit (FTC): Claim credits for taxes paid to foreign governments to avoid double taxation.

– Treaty Benefits: Utilize tax treaties between the U.S. and other countries to reduce tax liabilities.

International Compliance

Comply with local laws and tax regulations in the country where you live. This may involve registering your business with local authorities and understanding local tax obligations. Steps to ensure compliance include:

– Local Registration: Register your business with local authorities if required.

– Understand Local Laws: Familiarize yourself with the legal and tax requirements in your country of residence.

– Tax Filing: Ensure timely filing of local tax returns and payment of taxes.

Best Practices for Managing Compliance from Abroad

Engage Professional Assistance

Hire a CPA or tax professional who is familiar with both international and U.S. tax laws. They can provide expert guidance and ensure all compliance requirements are efficiently met. Benefits of professional assistance include:

– Expertise: Access to professionals with knowledge of complex tax laws.

– Time-Saving: Saves time by managing filings and compliance tasks.

– Peace of Mind: Ensures compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and legal issues.

Utilize Technology

Use online tools and software for document management, deadline tracking, and compliance monitoring. This streamlines processes and reduces the risk of missing important compliance deadlines. Useful tools include:

– Document Management Systems: Store and organize important documents securely.

– Calendar Apps: Track deadlines and set reminders for filings and payments.

– Compliance Software: Monitor compliance status and automate routine tasks.

Stay Informed

Keep up with any changes in Delaware state laws and international regulations. Regularly review your compliance status and update your operating agreement as needed. Tips for staying informed include:

– Subscribe to Newsletters: Get updates from legal and financial advisors.

– Join Professional Networks: Connect with other business owners and professionals.

– Attend Webinars and Workshops: Stay updated on regulatory changes and best practices.

Conduct Regular Audits

Regular compliance audits help ensure all requirements are met. Proactive monitoring can identify potential issues before they become major problems. Steps for conducting audits include:

– Review Financial Statements: Ensure all transactions are accurately recorded.

– Check Compliance Deadlines: Verify all filings and payments are up to date.

– Assess Internal Controls: Evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls and procedures.

How Our Services Can Help

Maintaining LLC compliance from abroad doesn’t have to be stressful. Our team of licensed CPAs and Enrolled Agents can help you navigate the complexities of both U.S. and international regulations, ensuring your business remains compliant and successful. We provide comprehensive services, including document preparation, application submission, and follow-up support. Our services include:

– Compliance Monitoring: Track and manage compliance requirements.

– Tax Filing: Prepare and file federal and state tax returns.

– Document Preparation: Assist with the preparation and submission of necessary documents.

– Advisory Services: Offer guidance on tax planning and compliance strategies.


Ensuring your Delaware LLC remains in good standing while living abroad is crucial for your business’s success. By understanding the requirements and leveraging professional help, you can avoid penalties, maintain your legal protections, and ensure smooth operations.

Need Help?

Contact our COO, Anshul Goyal, at for professional assistance in maintaining your Delaware LLC compliance while operating abroad. Don’t let compliance issues hold your business back – let us handle the complexities for you!


This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or financial advice. For specific guidance on your situation, consult with a qualified professional.


1. What are the key benefits of forming an LLC in Delaware?

– Delaware offers flexible business statutes, a specialized Chancery Court, privacy protections, and tax advantages.

2. What is the Annual Franchise Tax Report for Delaware LLCs?

– It is a mandatory report filed by June 1 each year with a flat fee of $300, plus penalties for late payments.

3. Why is a registered agent important for my Delaware LLC?

– A registered agent with a physical Delaware address is required to receive legal documents and government notices on behalf of the LLC.

4. Do I need an operating agreement for my Delaware LLC?

– While not required by law, having an operating agreement is crucial as it outlines the LLC’s structure and procedures.

5. How do I obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for my LLC?

– You can obtain an EIN from the IRS by applying online, by mail, or by fax.

6. What is FBAR and who needs to file it?

– FBAR is the Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts Report, required if your foreign accounts exceed $10,000 in aggregate value.

7. What are the penalties for late filing of the Annual Franchise Tax Report?

– There is a $200 penalty plus interest for late filings.

8. Can I manage my Delaware LLC compliance on my own?

– While possible, it is advisable to hire a professional such as a CPA or tax expert to ensure all compliance requirements are met.

9. How can I stay updated on changes in Delaware state laws?

– Regularly check official Delaware state websites and consult with your registered agent or legal advisor.

10. What international compliance issues should I be aware of?

– Be sure to register your business locally, understand and comply with local tax filing and payment requirements, and stay informed about any regulatory changes.


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