Kewal Krishan & Co, Chartered Accountants

BusinessData Security

40 +
Years of Working Experience
Data Protection

Comprehensive and Trusted Data Protection

Kewal Krishan & Co, Chartered Accountants, a leader in Outsourced Accounting & Tax Solutions, has been dedicated for over 15 years to providing top-notch services to U.S.-based small to large enterprises and CPA firms. Our commitment to data security is paramount.


Regulatory Compliance

We hold the prestigious ISO 27001:2013 certification, ensuring a top-tier information security management system. Adherence to IRS publication 4557 guidelines is a staple of our practice, ensuring compliance and security.


Advanced Security Measures

Implementing cutting-edge data protection strategies, we utilize multi-factor authentication, state-of-the-art firewalls, and continuous monitoring systems to safeguard client data against unauthorized access and cyber threats.


Employee Education

Regular training seminars are conducted to keep our team updated on the latest in data security, including company policies and best practices.

Prioritizing Client Data Safety

Our approach to data security involves


Adherence to ISO 27001:2013 standards.


IRS Guidelines

Compliance with IRS publication 4557.


Enhanced Access Control

Regular assessments and strict access protocols.


Data Encryption

Robust encryption protocols to shield sensitive data.


Continuous Training

Ongoing employee training in data security best practices.


Vigilant Monitoring

Constant monitoring and evaluation of security measures.


Multi-Layered Authentication

Multi-factor authentication for added security.


Secure Communication

Secure file sharing platforms for client interaction.


Cloud Security

Utilization of cloud technology adhering to industry security standards.

Our Profile

At Kewal Krishan & Co, our approach to technology is tailored to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and contribute to the overall success of our clients' businesses.

Our Operational Approach

Navigating Financial Management in a New Era

The shift to remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has redefined business operations globally. This change has underscored the importance of dependable and efficient outsourced accounting services. Our team, comprised of seasoned professionals, offers comprehensive accounting and tax services, enabling businesses to concentrate on their primary activities. We employ advanced digital tools and technologies to facilitate smooth communication and collaboration with our clients. This ensures uninterrupted business operations during these challenging times. Choose us as your partner to benefit from the adaptability, scalability, and cost-efficiency of our accounting services.


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